We are David and Jonathan Bennett, and we have worked with many reporters, bloggers, and podcasters to provide them with trusted sources for almost 1000 appearances.
We have been in diverse sources like The Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Men’s Health, The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan, and many more.
We understand the deadlines reporters have, so we respond in a timely manner, and are open to any follow-up questions or additional needs.
Please contact us with any questions.
Appearance Highlights
Making friends as an adult requires two main actions…getting around the same people regularly and purposely being open to friendships.
David, How To Make Friends As An Adult, The Boston Globe
When you are out, make an effort to actually connect with new people. Even a smile or saying ‘hi’ can go a long way.” There are opportunities for connection everywhere.
Jonathan, Maintaining Confidence Throughout the Dating Process, Psychology Today
If you know something is the best possible thing to do, then there is no reason to put it off…for example, [by] saying ‘I’ll be generous when I get a raise’ or ‘I’ll be happy when the workday is over.’ Instead, I remind myself to do the best now!”
David, 13 Positive Affirmations To Practice Every Day, Prevention Magazine
Fights can quickly escalate into bitterness, defensiveness, and negativity…To avoid this, find ways to express your appreciation for your partner, even when fighting. You’re reminding yourself of his or her good qualities when you need it most.”
Jonathan, What To Say To End A Fight With Your Partner, Business Insider
If you’re worried about your every move being scrutinized on social media by friends and strangers because your partner always posts your interactions, this is definitely a sign of an unhealthy relationship
David, Signs Your Spouse May Be Emotionally Abusive, Redbook Magazine
While it’s natural to have feelings of jealousy, sadness and confusion, when an ex gets into a relationship, ultimately moving on will require you to make yourself a stronger person. Take time to focus on yourself and your own needs. This can include both self-improvement and self-care.
Jonathan, The 90 Day Detox And Other Tips For When Your Ex Finds Someone New, The Chicago Tribune