There is an image in the book Bliss Brain by Dawson Church, which shows two neurons forming a connection, and it takes about 12 seconds to complete that connection.
Let’s briefly look at how the brain works before I get into the significance of this. Your brain forms neural connections constantly. It either forms new ones (like, for example, if you try something new) or strengthens old ones (like when you repeat something). And, if you don’t use a connection, it can weaken.
That image shows it takes about 12 seconds to create a literal, physical change in your brain.
Now, first think of all the 12-second intervals you spent in your life that created the current neuronal connections that don’t serve you well.
12 seconds of complaining.
12 seconds of fear.
12 seconds of doubting yourself.
12 seconds of caring too much what others think.
12 seconds of scrolling mindlessly online.
Now multiply that by the hundreds, even thousands, of times you have done those things. Now you can see exactly how habitual behaviors and emotions have firmly established themselves in your brain, and why it is you do what you do most of the time.
But, here is the good news. Now think of all the new connections you can start to make, that only take 12 seconds.
Expressing gratitude.
Standing up for yourself.
Starting a project.
Showing love to someone.
Trying a new, healthy food.
Believing in yourself.
You can literally, in 12 seconds, start a connection that will change your life, today.

You want to see brain wiring at work? Try this exercise.
You’ll probably notice that even holding the thought below for 12 seconds without automatic thoughts of doubt, negativity, and skepticism is nearly impossible at first (thanks to your current wiring!).
But, try it anyway and don’t stop until you get 12 seconds of full-on new thinking!
Right now, ponder for 12 seconds the idea that anything is possible in your life. Hold that feeling of absolute possibility clearly for 12 seconds.
You may have literally just started a microscopic connection today in your brain that in a few months or years will turn into a new business, your first book, your toned body, or whatever it is you want, as long as you keep those connections building! That’s kind of cool.
This originally was posted in Your Health Is In Your Head, which is a Facebook we run related to health, so if you haven’t joined, please consider yourself invited! I’d love to have you in the group.